Bumper Plate - TLC

Bumper Plate - TLC

A solid year of home gym workouts means your kit has probably taken a thrashing. Can you honestly say you have cleaned your bumper plates?

Your bumper plates may be carrying a bit of dirt now and moulded rubber has hard wearing as it still needs some TLC.

Bison Hi Impact Bumper Plates

Bumper plates are super easy to clean, grab yourself a soft dry cloth and some warm soapy water and you are good to go!

3 steps to as good as new bumper plates;

1. Wash the bumper plates with the warm soapy water and the soft cloth

2. Rinse well and ensure all soap around the metal ring is removed.

3. Dry well and leave out in the sun to finish drying. 

It seems super simple, but plates take a battering and the more you look after them the more PB's they'll be giving you!

Bison Colour Bumper Plates